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Aims & Scope

SPG applies the highest standards to everything it does - specifically, the publication places an emphasis on research integrity; high ethical standards; constructive peer-review; exemplary production quality; and leading edge online functionality.

SPG considers Research Articles, Literature Review Articles, Hypothesis Papers, Commentaries, Opinion Pieces, Case Studies and Case Reports.

SPG does not accept pre-submission enquiries; however, if you are unsure whether or not your article fits our Scope then please email us at: Info@sciencepublishgate.com.

Role of the Academic Editor

All submissions which pass our basic submission checks are peer reviewed and the peer review process is overseen by an Academic Editor on our Editorial Board.

Academic Editors are experienced scientists in their field. They act independently from SPG and make independent decisions on submissions.

Academic Editors are not permitted to accept a submission unless it has been reviewed by at least two external reviewer. On average, we expect that all submissions will be reviewed by three peer reviewers (in addition to the Academic Editor).